Code: A7AA0B958B0521  Price: 4,000   96 Pages     Chapter 1-5    6426 Views


Title page ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… i

Approval page……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ii

Certification page ………………………………………………………………………………………….. iii


Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………………………………………… vi

Table of contents……………………………………………………………………………………………. .vii

List of Tables…………………………………………………………………………………………………. viii

Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………………………………   ix

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION …   …        …        …        …        …        …        1

Background to the Study …  …        …        …        …                    …        …        1

Statement of the Problem …  …        …        …        …        …        …        …        8

Purpose of the study …          …        …        …        …        …        …        …        9

Research Questions …            …        …        …        …        …        …        …        10

Significance of the Study …  …        …        …        …        …        …        …        10

Scope of the Study  …           …        …        …        …        …        …        …        11


Conceptual Framework …      …        …        …        …        …        …        ….       14

Overview of Job satisfaction …         …        …        …        …        …                    14

Level of job performance of library personnel …     …                    19

Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of Library Personnel   25

Barriers to Job Satisfaction and job performance of Library personnel …                27

Strategies to Improving Job Satisfaction job performance of Library Personnel      30

Theoretical Framework …      …        …        …        …        …        …        …        33

Review of Related Empirical Studies …        …        …        …        …        …        40

Summary of Literature Review …     …        …        …        …        …        …        43


Research Design …    …        …        …        …        …        …        …        …        46

Area of the Study  … …        …        …        …        …        …        …        …        46

Population of the Study  …    …        …        …        …        …        …        …        47

Sample and Sampling Technique  …  …        …        …        …        …        …        47

Instrument of data Collection  …       …        …        …        …        …        …        48

Validation of Instrument  …  …        …        …        …        …        …                    49

Method of Data Collection  …           …        …        …        …        …        …        49

Method of Data Analysis  … …        …        …        …        …        …        …        50


Research question one  …      …        …        …        …        …        …        …        52

Research question two……    …        …        …        …        …        …        …        54

Research question three …… …        …        …        …        …        …        …        56

Research question four …      …        …        …        …        …        …        …        57

Research question five ……   …        …        …        …        …        …        …        58

Summary of findings   …       …        …        …        …        …        …        …        59

CHAPTER FIVE: DISCUSSION, SUMMARY OF MAJOR FINDINGS AND                                                  CONCLUSION 

Discussion of Findings   …    …        …        …        …        …        …        …        61

Implications of  the study  … …        …        …        …        …        …        …        65

Recommendations  …            …        …        …        …        …        …        67

Limitation …  …        …        …        …        …        …        …        …        …        69

Suggestion for further research  …       …        …        …        …        69

Conclusion  …            …        …        …        …        …        …        …        …        70

References      …        …        …        ..          …        …        …        ..          …        71

Appendix A  …          …        …        …        …        …        …        …        …        78

Appendix B  …          …        …        …        …        …        ……    …        …        80

Appendix C  …          …        …        …        …        …        …        …        …        81

Appendix D  …          …        …        …        …        …        …        …        …        82    


Table 1:  Library personnel  response on their level of job satisfaction…   ….   ….   55

 Table 2:  Library personnel response on their level of job performance…   …    ……..        56

Table 3: Correlation matrix on the relationship between job satisfaction and job

performance of library personnel of National Library of Nigeria…  …. …   57

Table 4: Library personnel response on their barriers to job satisfaction and performance. …   ….       ….       ……..  ….       …..      ….       ….       58

Table 5: Table 5 Library personnelresponse on the strategies to improve their job satisfaction and job performance…. ….       ….       ….       …        59


This study is on the job satisfaction and job performance of library personnel of National Library of Nigeria. The library personnel who are librarians and paraprofessional from the professional departments of the library was used. The study sought to find out their level of job satisfaction, level of job performance, relationship between their job satisfaction and job performance, barriers to their job satisfaction and job performance and the strategies to improving their job satisfaction and job performance. A descriptive research design was used for the study with a population of 413 library personnel from five professional departments of the National library. No sampling was done in the corporate headquarters. A multi-stage sampling technique was used for the state branches which altogether; a population of 240 (58%) library personnel from the professional departments of the library was used. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire. In analyzing the data, mean, correlation coefficient and frequency tables were used. The findings from the study revealed that library personnel are generally satisfied with their job but not satisfied with their salary and also their overall job performance is average. The relationship between their job satisfaction and job performance shows that there is a strong positive relationship between salary, responsibility and relationship with job performance, a week negative relationship between work-itself and job performance and a negative relationship between growth/advancement and recognition and job performance. Findings identified lack of/inadequate professional training, poor policy, unsafe working environment and poor salary package as barriers to their job satisfaction and performance and effective communication, adequate professional development, good working conditions good salary package good policy as strategies to improving their job satisfaction and job performance.



Background of the study

The Library, as one of the human social organization is involved in information and knowledge management which are the transforming agents of the world today. It is indispensable in today’s world by serving as a place where library and information resources such as books, periodicals, newspapers pamphlets, prints, records and tapes etc are kept for reading, reference or lending. National Library as one of the types of libraries perform the above functions but is unique in some aspects. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in its 15th General Conference held on the 16th of November 1970 defined National Library as:

 Libraries which, irrespective of their title, are responsible for acquiring and conserving copies of all significant publications published in the country and functioning as a ‘deposit’ library, either by law or under other arrangements. They will also normally perform some of the following functions: produce a national bibliography; hold and keep up to date a large and representative collection of foreign literatures including books about the country; act as a national bibliography information centre; compile union catalogues; publish the retrospective                  national bibliography. Libraries which may be called ‘national’ but whose functions do not correspond to the above definition should not be placed in the national libraries category. (p.6)

            The National Library of Nigeria in co-coordinating the rich cultural and information resource heritage of the nation has fulfilled the standard to assume the status of a national library as prescribed by UNESCO in the definition above. The library being the apex library in the country was established by an Act of parliament No. 6 of 1964. The Act was repealed and substituted by decree No 29 of 1970.  The library’s headquarters is located in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and has twenty-four (24) branches spread across the thirty-six states of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory.  The National Library of Nigeria (2005) states the vision of the library as: To ensure the building of an informed and enlighten citizenry through the provision of resources that are readily available and accessible. The mission statement on the other hand is: To acquire, process, organize, disseminate as well as provide link to information resources to all Nigerians for their educational pursuits and for informed decision making.

Based on the vision and mission statements, it has three main objectives as cited by Aguolu and Aguolu, (2002). They are:

  1. To provide necessary support for intellectual efforts in all activities directed at progress and development.
  2. To ensure the availability of a comprehensive collection and full access to such treasury both within and outside the nations boundaries.
  3. To generate a free flow of information between this nation and others, thereby ensuring Nigerian’s participate in the community of nations that depend on recorded knowledge and information for survival in a world of rapid advancement based on competition of ideas.

Apart from the vision, mission statements and objectives, the main role of the National Library of Nigeria is not different from the role played by libraries in general which according to Adeyemi, (2009) serves as a tool for intellectual freedom and economic development; a gateway to political, economic and social happiness and survival. Based on these, the importance of National Library to the political, economic and social development of Nigeria cannot be overemphasized. It serves as a repository of knowledge in all forms and shapes through the following functions as contained in the National Library Act No 29 of 1970 which among others is to;

  1. Collect legal deposit materials, in order to facilitate the distribution of published materials.
  2. Assemble, maintain and extend a collection of books, periodicals. Maps etc
  3. Develop the National bibliography of Nigeria.

The National Library of Nigeria also provides some fundamental library and information services which according to Omolayole, (2002) “are not at variance with the salient features that have been highlighted in the UNESCO’s definition”. The services are aimed at meeting the mission, vision statements and the objectives as stated above. The National Bibliography of Nigeria (NBN) 2008 supplementary edition outlined the library and information services carried by the National Library of Nigeria by its five (5) professional departments- Public Services Department (PSD), Collection Development and Processing Department (CDPD), National Bibliographic Control Department (NBCD), Planning, Research  and Statistic  Department (PRSD) and the Virtual Library Services Department (VLSD)  to include among others the provision of reference and document delivery services, acquiring materials through subscription/purchase, promotion of research in the field of information , provision of bibliographic services to the nation and transforming knowledge into digital content for all levels of education in Nigeria.

These library and information services are perform by the National Library personnel (staff) whose creativity and ingenuity are relevant for effective and efficient service delivery. The library personnel are made up of the librarians and the para-professionals. A paraprofessional according to Iwu, (2011) is a train worker who is not a member of a profession but who assists a professional. Iwu also cited Oberg who classified paraprofessional in the library to include library assistant, associates, technicians and technical assistant and paraprofessional position titles as interlibrary loan assistant, catalog assistant, periodical supervisor, reference assistant etc. In a similar vein, the librarians are professionals with a degree in library or information science (Aziagba, 2009). The librarians are veritable mediators between man and information resources that have been produced through generations. There primary objective is to minimize the social utility of these records of human culture for the benefit of humanity (Aguolu, 1986).

Librarians perform some functions of meeting the information needs of their clients. Omekwu, (2003) listed some professional competences of a  Librarian in performing these functions to include: demonstrates expert knowledge of the content and format of information resources including the ability to critically evaluate and filter them, employs specialized knowledge appropriate to the business of the organization or client, assembles most appropriate suite of information access tools to meet the ongoing information needs of the organization or clients, leads in the testing, selection and application of the latest technologies and tools for information delivery and promote the use of appropriate information formats and technologies in the hybrid world of information sources and services etc. Likewise, Senyah, (2003) gave the duties performed by paraprofessionals to include ordering, filling, shelving, charging and discharging of books, bibliographic searching, stamping and accessioning.  The execution of these functions and acquisition of competences by the library personnel to provide information services befitting of a National Library depends on their job satisfaction and performance.

The oxford Learners Dictionary defines job as work for which you receive regular payment or a particular piece of work that you have to do. It is the activity that has almost occupies the entire human life and it is an important aspect of people’s life where most people spend large part of their working life in work. Job has several facets like satisfaction, performance, training, motivation etc. This makes human resource development  central in the attainment of the goals and objectives of any organization that is focused on providing services that will meet up to best global practices. It is therefore important for organizations to create a working environment that will attract, motivate and retain hardworking individuals who will be better positioned to succeed in a competitive business environment that demands quality and cost efficiency.

Job satisfaction is a complex and multi-faceted concept which can mean different things to different people. It is the level of containment and commitment which workers exhibit in the course of carrying out their functions in the workplace. Popoola, (1982) defined it as the totality of an individual’s social and psychological well-being relative to his or her job and job performance. Tafida, (2009) simply put it as the quality of life at work as experienced by the employee, and the condition that could be promoted by social responsibility programs executed by the employer. On the other hand, Williams, (2004) defined it as the extent to which people like (satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction) their Job. From these definitions, it is important to realize that attitudes to job vary according to individual experiences and expectations and hence there is no single unitary concept of job satisfaction.   

In line with the deferent definitions of job satisfaction, it will be seen that it generally depends on once attitude and personnel feelings which according to Jordan as cited in Udomisor and Haruna, (2010) said “since job satisfaction is an emotional response to work environment, it can only be ascertained through the worker’s expression of his or her personal feelings about the job and it’s environment, perception which depends on age, education, gender, experience, judgments and other personal attribute peculiar to the individual which influence his or her job satisfaction’. The Society for Human Resource Management, (2009) gave five top factors that affect or lead to job satisfaction to include job security, benefits, compensation/pay, and opportunity to use skills and abilities and feeling safe in the work environment.  Individual’s feelings towards these factors determine their level of job satisfaction. Thornton, (2000) therefore suggested that management style and quality of work life affects job satisfaction and that overall job satisfaction is a function of many needs.

In relation to the attainment of organizational goals and objectives is the job performance of its personnel.  Job performance is simply the extent to which an individual carries out his/her assignment or task. Ojo, (2009) defined job performance as the extent to which the day-to-day work is being carried out. Hose, (2012) simply puts it as the way employees perform their work. Job performance is therefore an important criterion that relates to organizational outcomes and success. It is determined by factors such as knowledge; skills, motivation, ability, work environment etc and some indicators are used to measure job performance which includes quantity, quality, timeliness, creativity etc.

With an overview of the concepts of job satisfaction and job performance, it is clear that they are relevant to the attainment of the goals and objectives of any organization. Job satisfaction and job performance are somehow interrelated and interdependent. The relationship between the two is that it is not clear so far that either job satisfaction is dependent on job performance or job performance is dependent on job satisfaction but it is assumed that “when an employee feels a satisfaction about the job, he/she is motivated to greater effort to the job performance. Then it tend to increase the overall performance of the organization” (Pushpakumari, 2008). With this argument, they both have common antecedents as motivation, work environment, facilities/equipments etc. The level of satisfaction or performance depends on how these antecedents are perceived by the employee. Also, these antecedents can be a barrier to job satisfaction and performance if not rightly provided. But at the same time, organizations use them as a strategy to improving job satisfaction and job performance.

            The job satisfaction and job performance of National library personnel remain central for the library to be effective and efficient in meeting up to its statutory functions as stated in the Act establishing it. The National Library of Nigeria is a federal government agency and its personnel are guid

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