Environmental security is an offshoot of the principle of sustainable development which focuses on societal and global environmental sustainability and peace in the face of uncontrolled environmental degradations that are witnessed in different parts of the world particularly in Nigeria.
The environmental security and sustainability of biological resources have been affected by myriad of factors ranging from inadequate planning, weak projections insufficient funds, over population and urbanization, pollution, deforestation, among others, which all have a huge adverse impact on the entire ecosystem. These at many times lead to human and public security threats.
This work posits that unsustainable exploitation of environmental resources affectthe environmental security and sustainability which has a far reaching effect on biodiversity in Nigeria. The aim of this paper is to assess environmental security in Nigeria. The paper will also analyse the challenges of environmental security in the country and as well proffer some recommendations.
Title Page———i
Abstract ———vi
Table of Content——–vii
Chapter One
1.0 Introduction ——-1
1.1 Statement of Problem——4
1.2 Purpose of the Study——5
1.3 Significance of Study——8
1.4 Limitation——–9
1.5 Scope of Study——-11
Chapter Two
2.0 Review of Related Literature —-12
2.6 Summary of Literature Review—- 19
Chapter Three
3.0 Research Methodology and Procedure—22
3.1 Population ——–22
3.2 Sample and Sampling Technique—-22
3.3 Validation of the Instrument —-23
3.4 Reliability of the Instrument —–23
3.5 Data Analysis——-23
Chapter Four
4.0 Presentation and Discussion of Result—24
4.1 Analysis and interpretaion of Data—25
4.2 Discussion of Results——38
Chapter Five
5.0. Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation –40
5.1 Summary——–40
5.2 Conclusion——–41
5.3 Recommendation——42
References ———45
Appendix 1——–47
Appendix ———50
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