This project work was carried out to
examine the problem of teaching and learning of Computer Science in tertiary institutions in Enugu State.
The result of the finding further established the nation of other scholars who opined that proper use of teaching method, appropriate use of teaching material improve teaching and learning of this course. Emnenalo (1992).
Chapter One and two is the background of the study and the review of related literature respectively. In Chapter three, the research method and
overall design of the study was presented.
Chapter four, dealt with data presentation and analysis. The educational implications of the study, recommendations and summary were contained in Chapter five references and Appendixes were inclusive.
Background information from creation shows that there has been consistent search by man to improve and raise the standard of his existence. The ever-increasing research has been necessitated and moved by the simple need to address the
challenges posed by his environments.
As a result of this need, a number of inventions have been made in virtually every field of human life. The computer system is one of the most evident of such inventions. It is a tool specifically made for computable problems. In most areas, it is an indispensable tool. The knowledge of the ability to use the computer have become so important and indesperate that there is new ever need to teach it in our tertiary institutions.
The history or the modern computer date back to the nineteenth century, when in 1834 in England, an English Scientist named Charles Babbage developed a program
controlled mechanical digital computer in-cooperating a complete arithmetic unit.The first generation of computer include the types discovered by Babbage, it performs operations in predetermined sequence, Babbage used cardboard holes punched into them for present all types of information to the machine.
The second generations of computer was based on punched card machines, the USN Census of 1890 utilized this technology.
The third generation of computer resurfaced in the terties which was mainly for commercials, it was called UNIVAC. I designed by Eckert and Mandy, IBM 360/370 series and many more also included.
The late seventies came up with well-known personal computer like Radio shark, Apell 11 113mpc, this group could be classified as the fourth generation of computer.
The fifth generation of computer influenced the business community, this came in with a lot of software. We have computer with 80286, 80486, 80586,
Intel Chips. They were of enormous speed and fund their way into every office and institution. THE PROBLEM OF TEACHING AND LEARNING OF COMPUTER SCIENCE IN TERTIARY INSTITUTION (A CASE STUDY ENUGU URBAN)