This project or research work is a factor influencing the performance of student teachers in teaching practice in some secondary school in llaje. This project is divided into five chapters one is the background of the study, objective of the study, research question, significant of the study, scope of the study, limitation of the study as well as the definition of teaching practice. Chapter two is concerned with review of related literature. Chapter three involves methodology, instrumentation, procedure for data analysis, validation of instrument and gathering information through administration of questionnaires to selected schools. Also chapter four is devoted to analysis, interpretation and discussion of result. Here the research find the problems which students encounter during teaching practice such as lack of teaching aids e.t.c. and the solution to those problems. Chapter five finally involve summary, conclusion,recommendation and reference.
Education is view as an instrument of change. Every nation has strong faith in the effectiveness of education as a powerful instrument for notion development that is why most countries are attempting to adjust their educational philosophy and policies to match the changing economy and social structure (NPE1987) education is a process by which people are used to culture into which they are born in order for them to develop it further. Beside education is centered on maximum development of the individual members of the society mentally, socially and religiously so that the individual can become useful to himself and the society (farrant, 1992) . It is in this direction that the government took step to eradicate illiteracy in education in a developing country like Nigeria. This resulted in more people being registered in the universal “free” primary education (UPE) introduction by the various governments in primary school and latter in secondary school in order to cope with the increasing trend of admission into the secondary schools. Inspite of this, the performance of education in schools has continued to be discouraging this secondary school in Ondo state. The falling standard of education in school has been attributed to a number of perceived factors such as lack of support to students teachers by host teachers/principal, unconducive climate accommodation problems and the government. Fagbonuye (1999) stated that the problem of non availability of teachers in schools was one of the various reasons for poor student’s performance. It cites a situation where four teachers were made to face one thousand students to him a poorly both qualitatively cannot produce students with high academic standards.
Research work in the past have shown that the factors influencing student performance during teaching practice have been of great concern to many individuals, parents, teachers, government and even the students it is clear that performance is getting poorer even as most bodies mentioned above trying their possible best. To find solution to these problems the following questions were asked; 1. How does learning environment influence students teachers performance. 2. Does lack of support by host teachers influences student’s performance. 3. How does the attitude of teachers affect the performance of the student teachers? 4. How does attitude of supervisor influence student’s teachers performance.
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