The subject matter of this research is the effect of rapid population growth on the Nigeria economy a case study of Esan Central Local Government Area. The main objective of the research work is to enable us know the effects of rapid population on the economy. The research methodology, both primary and secondary data were used. The data were presented and analyzed. Information was discovered in the course of study that Nigeria population today is very youthful; this is due to high fertility rate in Nigeria. It is recommended that government should enact into law the minimumage at which an individual can get married.
Many people believe that it is a law of nature that all population at all time and place tend to go on expanding until they react the limits of subsistence. In (1998) this theory was propounded by Rev. Thomas Robert Malthus in his principle growth according to Matheu in regard to the causes of population growth he argued that human being like plant and animals are forced to increase their population by the urge to reproduce. If there are no constraint on this propensity to reproduce human being will continue to increase their appreciation. Population problems are both married and far reaching in their effect the efforts of economic growth will be mollified if population has an increase at an even more rapid rate more specifically. This chapter is an attempt to show that rapid growth in population has an adverse effect on Nigeria economy a case study of Esan Central Local Government.
The states of this problem are as follows: 1. Rapid growth in population of a country put pressure in infrastructural facilities. Tasks the limited resources to meet the ever growing demand for goods and services. This culminate in high cost of living and standard of living in the ever growing population it put high pressure on medical facilities education, housing and social amenities that cannot move with the movement of population thereby causing societal problems.
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