Background to the Study
Education is the industry that produces manpower for the economy of nations. Therefore, education enhances manpower development by improving the number and quality of human resource. Bareday in Afonja (2003) says that education is truly a mirror of the level of development and the aspiration of any people. Education in general and functional literacy programmes in particular are means of advancing people in terms of giving them knowledge, skills attitudes necessary for expanding their potentials. Akinpelu (2002) is the view that education programmes are organized for learners who have pre-occupation or jobs other than studying. Further words education is associated with vocational occupation or professional stills of development. Functional literacy is one step further from elementary literacy. It refers to the ability to use the skills of reading writing and computing in the acquisition of such information as would make the individual function more actively and beneficially in the economics, social, political psychological and cultural activities of the community whether or she lives. Essentially, for any adults to participate in any functional literacy programme there must be need for it. Need and motivation are two important things that guide the adult participants in functional literacy progrmmes. Literacy is seen as a tool for developing skill, knowledge and attitudes for the daily survival of human persons. Therefore, literacy is an educational process which aims at in calculating in the individuals the ability to read and write and to carry out basic calculations. Literacy could be seen as the ability to function better in one’s social context. Thus, literacy is aimed at enhancing one’s understanding of the society in which one is required to assume a functional role. UNESCO (2011) defined it as the ability to identify. Understand, interpreted create, communicate, compute and use printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continue of learning by individuals to achieve their goals to develop their knowledge and potential and to participate fully in their community and wider society. Oduaran (1991) defined functional literacy as one step further up from elementary literacy.
It refers aptly to the ability to sue the skills of reading, writing and computing that would benefit the individual. Beder (1990) and Thompson (1992) identified self improvement, family responsibilities, job participation, advancement, urging by other people, social expectations and relationships, escape from boredom and stimulation and cognitive interest as a basic motivation. Needs attract the attach adults to take part in functional literacy programmes and Five Categories. Psychological Safety, stability and security Belongingness (social affiliation love) Self esteem Self – actualization The above hierarchy of needs make us understand why adult learners participate in functional literacy programs. For instance an adult learner who lacks social and economic rewards tend to participate in functional literacy programems so as to improve these needs he years to have and for growth and development of self. The tension and problems learners encounter in his environment or working place will motivate him to learn more so as to find a solution to the tension and problems. He participates in functional literacy programmes so as to improve safety, security for himself, whether in his job or environment.
The learning needs of adult learners vary according to their social role. Adults who newly arrive at working age will be obsessed with learning how to make a living, a woman with young learning how to make a living; a woman with young children will be interested in domestic matters and in the children’s education. So also a member of a church choir will be interested in learning music better. The individual as an adult learner has a need that is sometimes termed self-fulfillment or self actualization. Some adult learners may wish to develop skills in their work which will enable them excel or in other skills from which they may derive satisfaction and recognition such as in sports or in domestic practice like sewing or cooking. Some may wish to enhance their social standing cultivate new social relationships and feel the need for learning how to achieve such needs. There are some adult learners which may have last on educational opportunities in the past may feel incomplete as persons unless they fill what they see as gaps in their knowledge and education. The behavior of adult learners is a given environment is aimed at fulfilling basic want or needs which vary at a given time.
The need to improve on one’s job, further knowledge or education, to improve social status, for socialization, mental improvement psychological capability, political orientation, religious improvement, awareness etc will motivate adult learners to participate in functional literacy programmes. The adult learners to participate in functional literacy programs. The adult learners can be a spouse, parents, works, young adults etc. if these needs that motivate them to participate in functional literacy programmes are met, they can be satisfied in the aspect of growth and development for themselves and the society in which they live. The attitude of the adult educator can also motivate adult learners to enroll in functional literacy programmes. Availability of the facilities in the environment where it is located can also encourage earners to participate in literacy programs. Because adult learners are motivated by what they see, how they are treated thereby causing growth and development.
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