The prevalence of viral hepatitis B among patients in National Orthopedic Hospital Enugu was studied. The samples comprised that of men , woman and children 200 in numbers, all patient of orthopedic Hospital Enugu. Laboratory investigation done were this HBs tested which 110 patient out of the 200 patients tested positive, and liver function tests found abnormal in almost all the patients that tested positive to HBsAG routine test. The commonest clinical presentations were fever and jaundice seen in Jo patient out of the 110 patients. The infection was highest amongst young adult 21-30 years of age. This accounted for 17.5% of the positive patients population it was lowest amongst children 1-10 and old people 60-70 which made up 5% of the infected population. The study also gave the general view of the group of individual affected whether children or adult, and the wid expired of the repetitious B. Hepatitis B one of the major cause of human suffering in the world despite a though understanding of its transmission and prevention and control by use of vaccine was found to be prevalent in National Orthopedic Hospital Enugu among the patients.
1.1: introduction to hepatitis b
1.2 Purpose of study
1.3 Significant of study
1.4 Statement of problem
1.5 Limitation of study
1.6 Hypothesis
2.1 Structure of hepatitis b virus
2.2 The genome and its organization
2.3 Taxonomy of the hepatitis b virus
2.4 Reproduction (repcication) of hepatitis bb virus
2.5 Origin of the term “ Australian aborigine”.
2.6 Mode of transmission of hepatitis b
2.7 Hbv and cell damage (Cytopathic effects)
2.8 Hepatitis b virus and hepatocellular, carcin0ns
2.9 Hepatitis b virus infection: acute and chronic
2.10 Prevention and control
2.11 Site of injection for vaccination
2.12 People at risk of contacting the virus
3.1: materials used
3.2 Test for the presence of hepatitis b and
3.3 Principle for the above test
3.4 Serum bilirubin
3.5 Principle for the test above
5.1 discussion and conclusion
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
Table 1: age distribution of the infected population
Table 2: Sex distribution of the infected population
Table 3: Area distributions of the infected population
Table 4: The six categories of patients showing the number of Infected persons Table 5: Result of the test using the six categories of patients
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