Vaccination of dogs generally is of utmost importance to us seeing that dog is man’s best friend. Vaccinating dogs not only helps to save dogs from infections but it also helps to protect man, seeing that we humans are in constant contact with dogs and most Nigerians eat dogs. So therefore it is essential we take proper care of dogs around us by vaccinating them appropriately.
Prompt Vaccinations protects dogs from specific diseases that can make it very sick, disable or even kill it. They help to boost the dog’s immune system against pathogens or disease causing organisms. Vaccines create immunity that protects dogs from an infection without causing the suering of the disease itself.
Dog Vaccination is when a, or, is deliberately administered to a dog (usually by injection) so that the dog’s immune system can prepare to fight a future infection (Adams 2005). There are vaccines to help prevent many illnesses that affect dogs. Vaccinating your dog has long been considered one of the easiest ways to help him live a long and healthy life. Not only are there different vaccines for different diseases, there are different types and combinations of vaccines in Nigeria today. Regular and prompt vaccination of dogs have contributed both to the health of dogs and to the public health. In countries where routine rabies vaccination of dogs is practiced, for example, rabies in humans is reduced to a barest minimum.
Generally in Nigeria, we have two major types of dog vaccines in Nigeria namely, the killed vaccine which is locally made here in Nigeria and the modified live vaccine (MLV) which is oen imported into the country (Obi 2005).
Generally in Nigeria, dog vaccination has had its fair share of inconsistencies especially when it has a lot to do with vaccination of local dogs. The general response of local dogs in Nigeria has come under intense scrutiny, thus leading us to undertake this research work of statistically determining how local dogs respond to the two major types of vaccines when used together with worm expellants. When it comes to how local dogs respond to vaccines, it is generally said that puppies respond faster to vaccines than adult dogs, being researchers, we do not make assertions that are not statistically proven. There is also this major concern about the potency of these two vaccines as to which of the two is more effective when used to vaccinate local dogs; this is also a major concern which led to this statistical survey or research.
This study is aimed at the following:
1. To find out if the antibody titer of each dog would keep increasing ,remain constant or decrease when any of the vaccines ( killed vaccine or Modified live vaccine ) is used n both puppies and adult dogs if each of the vaccines are repeatedly used.( most important)
2. To find out which among the two vaccine used would give the best result on local dogs (both adult and puppy dog). That is comparing the effect of two types of vaccines on the dogs. Which one of the de-worming drugs gives the best result when used on the local dogs?
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