PROPOSAL: It is the intention of this researcher to study and investigate in the paint industry the relevance effect and the importance of effective working capital man. A case study of Marshal paints and chemical company Ltd Enugu. This research proposal is concerned with the identification of liquidity and cash management of Marshal paints and leading paint company east of Niger. Finding solutions to the problems so identified and recommending them to the management for approval and implementation. In the pilot study carried out by the researcher several discoveries wee made as to why the working capital management of the company is undertaken by a separate department. Amongst these are efficient inventory management which results in maintenance of smooth production process, survival, profitability and growth. The scope covered include the paint factory in Enugu and Anambra state and it is the researchers believe that the study will be of much benefit to the company, the wholesalers, retailers and consumers. Finally, two approaches were used in collected data for the research. These are primary and secondary data.
1.1Introduction 1
1.2Statement of problem 3
1.3Objective of the study 5
1.4Research hypothesis 7
1.5Assumption of the study 8
1.6Scope of the study 9
1.7Significance of the study 9
1.8Limitations of the study 11
1.9Historical background of Marshal paints & Chemical company13
1.10Organisation of the study 15
1.11 Definition of operational terms 16
2.0Review of related literature 21
2.1 Meaning of working capital 21
2.2 Composition of working capital 23
2.3 Factors of affecting the composition of working capital 24
2.4 Current assets 26
2.5 Current liabilities 28
2.6 Management of working capital 29
2.7 Types of working capital 30
2.8 Characteristics of working capital 30
2.9 Sources of working capital 31
2.10 Uses of working capital 33
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