Code: BD5E7192019  Price: 4,000   68 Pages     Chapter 1-5    6527 Views

The project work examine the potential usefulness of adopting a systematic methodology for the analysis and control of quit within the financial services sector and discuss the resulting information processing requirements. Two types of financial intermediaries (banks and insurance companies) are specifically examined from a total system frame work, but the resulting insight is extend to other financial institutions. The point is made, that given the current wave of de-regulation in Nigeria, economy especially in the banking sector and the rapid process technological and marketing glufts which have resulted, financial institutions are being forced to rely more on managerial competencies and other intra-organisation factors for survival and success and it is suggested that effective risk analysis and control technologies should be an integral aspect of any sensible corporate plan in these institution. This project is patterned into five distinct chapters. Chapter one deals with introduction of the topic, statement of problem, scope, limitation and research question while chapter two emphasize on the researcher’s reviews and related literature on risk management to business organisation. The third chapter highlights the methodology of the research. It stresses the design plan, method of data collection. Finally, the last chapter (chapter five) summarized the entire work by inserting possible findings recommendations and conclusion.

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Material Information
  • ₦4,000.00 1 Price:
  • 68 2 No. of Pages:
  • 5 3 No. of Chapters:
  • No 4 Has Implementation:

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