According to Unugbro A. O. (2004) the most successful higher institution (HI) today are those that are translating modern management theories into practical action rather continuing to depend upon traditional individual management experience, trail and error method. Recent year have witness the failure of many higher institution (HI) both private and public academic not because they are worthless because they are poorly manage. According to the web site www.galilcal.galille college seen, higher education is a crucial to a country success in every field of individual and national endeavour. An educated and information leadership and citizenry are key to sustainable in national and regional socio-economic development and national and region higher institution development.
Over the year educationalist are in attempt to make advocate prosperous management in educational practices. The introduction of western education in higher educational practices in the country has impact in reformed development in system of education most importantly in higher institution management. This involve the reason that seen higher education as the only affiliation of human development. Other tool that the educational substation in the modern society includes government, state, parents and scholar because they have encounter with various problems in the higher institution (Boyd and King, 1983). Education is a powerful instrument in transformation and modernization of society, a commitment to the belief has characterize by intensive effort to extremely expansion of educational system opportunity have resulting phenomenal increases in higher number of school and in the study environment of the student.
Unfortunately, the problems of staffing, planning, communication, directing and controlling in area of professional personnel, lack of facilities if the environment to be a conducive atmosphere, inadequate of institutional material, problems of administration strategies (RAS) higher population, finance and political reason (FAPR) have being apparent for the desire to lesson the effectiveness of their impediment in the teaching and learning process. In this era of technology (EOT) it is an advantage to introduce it to in other to promoted the higher institution training and other scientific approach on the teaching industries.
Along side of this regards, university that is located at Edo State district with many confront with the problem of management as such higher institution in more generously the problem of management has become a complex task in higher institution. Due to social and economic change that is taking place in the complied with the over increment in knowledge and dynamic method of doing things. (This topic is therefore design to examine the problems of higher institution management).
· The staff are lacking equipment and teaching materials
· There is inadequate facilities in the laboratory and library
· Inadequate planning for enrolment population of the students
· Unfavorable administration decision making
· The mode of promotion of the lecturers.
· Underdevelopment of the school atmosphere environment
· The professional lecturer resign for other job
· Communication between the head of institution, lecturers and other stakeholder is wanting with an emphasis being on orders rather than conclusion.
· Do you think that lack of facilities of the environment to be conducive atmospheres contribute to problem of management in higher institution?
· Do you think that political reason contributes to the problems of management ion higher institution?
· Is problems encounter in the administration strategies of the higher institution management?
· Lack of management of higher population and finance is a problem of higher institution management?
· Inadequate human and material resources is higher institution management problems
§ To find out whether there is a professional personal in higher institution
§ To find out if there is a conducive management in atmosphere of teaching in higher institution
§ To know if the administration encounter with some strategies problems
§ To know whether political reason contributed to the problems of management
§ To investigate if increase in population and lack of finance affect the management of higher institution.
§ The study when successfully completed will be of valuable to the education planner
§ The study will be important to researcher/students working on the related topic
§ The study will also be a additional to previous work on the study topic, thus an additional to knowledge
§ The study will help to stop the problem of the society
§ The study will improve other study and standard of research worker.
Management: This is a group of people that come together and put the effort to achieve the objective of the institution
Population: The number of people that are in the school environment
School: This is the geographical area when learning takes place
Society: This is a group of people living in an area of land that have common interest, believe and share ideal
Educationist: This is the scholar in the academic career.
Effectiveness: The application of skill and knowledge
Problem: Barrier
Staff: These are the intellectual and skill lecturers in the campus
Administration: This is the systematic arrangement of the available human and non-human resources and programs to achieve the institution objective
Study: Deal with act of learning
Reformed: Process of embarking on aims
Development: TO bring improvement and technical change
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