The current and future well-being of an organization depends mostly on the activities and management of its human resources element. All activities towards improved productivity such as profit, organization efficiency and effectiveness can only be made possible by the manner and method in which the human resources are managed. Human resources management therefore occupy a critical position in the area of facilitating positive changes towards effective performance.
Because of this, there is need to improve some areas of operations of human resources department which require improvement or replacement.
This initiated the project topic “computer based human resources management information system”. This project focuses on computerization of the human resources department, which aim reducing, time constraints, job bark logs and improving inadequate records maintenance in the system. The existing system will be studied and analyzed. Problem areas, identified and solutions proffered. A computer model will be developed to take care of the problem areas that require computerization and improvement, strategies preferred in areas that require appraisal.
This will go along way to help the human resources management to meet up with the challenges posed by the advancement of information technology in the country and around the globe.
Title page
Table of contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Statement of problem
1.2 Objective of the study
1.3 Significance of the study
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Limitations of the study
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Review of previous work
2.2 Computer in human resource management
2.3 Computer application in general
Description and analysis of the existing system
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Analysis of the existing system
3.1.1 Organization and management structure
3.2 Analysis of the area of study
3.3 Problems/ wearness of the present system
3.4 Justification of the new system
Design of the system
4.0 Introduction of the system
4.1 Objectives of the system
4.2 System design
4.2.1 Elementary process description
4.3 Files attributes (data base structure)
4.4 Input specification and design
4.4.1 Data entry procedure
4.5 Output specification and design
Implementation of the new system
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Program design
5.2 Program module specification
5.3 Program module flowchart
5.4 Program implementation
5.4.1 Hardware and software requirement
5.4.2 Material requirement
5.5 System test rub
5.6 Change over procedure
5.7 System maintenance
6.1 Choice of language
6.2 Running the program
6.3 Existing the program
Conclusion and Recommendation
Human resources management at least in a primitive form has existed since the down of group of effort certain human resources functions even though informal in nature were performed whenever people come together for a common purpose.
The contemporary area of human management began in the late 1920s, it was characterized by an increase concern for human element in management.
During the course of this century, however, the process of managing people have becomes more formalized and specialized and a growing body of knowledge has been accumulated by practitioners and scholars in an organization “people” (Workers are critical factors in its well-being. Since every organization is build up by people, hiring and maintaining good and qualified people critical to the effectiveness or success of organization. For the fact that every organization is human-oriented, a factor without which the organization is reduced to nothing, the process of acquiring human services, developing skills, motivating them and ensuring their loyalty in the organization are vital instrument for achieving organizational objectives be it public or private sector.
Human resources is simply defined as the supply of required staff of people with various qualitative skills which when applied, organizational or institutional objectives will be achieved. The globalization process of today dictates a need for continues improvement in productivity and quality necessary for an effective use of new technologies. An organization that would line to survive these challenges of the present and future time must anticipate its system review and change. Today things are changing very fast. The world has become so much unpredictable and uncertain especially in area of rapid and radical technological development, which focus more on computerization.
This goal could only be a achieved by organization engaging in proper and efficient utilization of its human resource elements. Organizational survival strategies must be based on a continuous assessment of the human resource performance in all aspect of its operations and a continuous pursuit of ways that can best make the organization to cope into the possible challenges within and outside. This led to this research and project work “Design and implementation of a computer based human resources management information system” using Nigerian telecommunication Plc Enugu as a case study to stream lime the conduct of personnel operation with the global demand of the present technological development. In the course of the work (NITEL) the computer is used to compute employee’s salaries, date of requirement of employees, checking when employee is due for promotion, know the ghost workers. Employee’s appointment will be properly kept and reviewed, make information retrieval and storage easy and simply to generate, helps to make more reports available to the management and other departments and better handling of storage and retrieval of personnel data and information.
The non-challant attitude of management is concerning the welfare of workers. The wastage on data processing, storage and retrieval of information, poor data and information flow within the organization, workers-management relation is nothing to write home about.
The effectiveness of an organization, firm or system is determined by its ability to allow certain goals maintain itself internally and adopt to its environment. The main of the project is to improve information and data flow within NITEL’S personnel department using a more feasible alternative that will eliminate some of the problem of the existing personnel system. The set objectives of the project can be summarized as follows:
(1) Improving data and information flow within the present system.
(2) To improve worker management relationship
(3) To reduce unnecessary time wastage on data processing, storage and retrieval of information
(4) To help in improving workers welfare through accelerated compensation reward practices and appraisal practices, which will, in turn result in improved productivity.
The back drops of personnel and manpower resource management is obsolesce. It is now a common place. In the face of rapid technological changes, the need to develop a computer model of a human activity arises to help overcome the lags and lapse in human resource management. The project signifies a design of a best feasible alternative solution, which is a computer model of “Human Resource Management Information System” which will go a long way to eliminate the existing problems that will be identified in the present manual method of data processing. The new model will make use of software that will be designed for use in a computer as a means of performing and controlling operations of the new model.
The project will cover only the design and implementation of a computer based human resources management information system (a case study of nitel plc enugu) area of Human Resource Management of Nigerian Telecommunication Plc, Enugu. After the analysis of the procedure in the present system, some areas need improvement while some demand conversion that will be best handled by a computer method. The areas of the automation are areas of personnel data control, salary and promotion appraisal and transfers.
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